Let’s travel back in time. How beautiful was your carpet when you bought it? Can you picture that? Okay. Let’s make it easier. Do you have an old picture you took of your new carpet? Scroll through your photos. Seen one? Back to the present. How does it look now?...
When your carpets need a professional cleaning service, it's easy to hit the internet or pick up the phone and call the first one that comes to mind. But as often is the case with hires that you don't carefully consider, something may go sideways. A great carpet cleaning company...
Carpets and rugs require a bit of experience and some skill to effectively keep them clean and healthy all the time. Sometimes these tasks could feel burdensome but necessary. In order to keep rugs in top condition for the long term and to prevent bacteria, dust, and the likes from...
Have you ever done your best effort to clean your carpet and rugs only to find that the problem gets worse? Do the hairs of your rug shrink from excessive heat or stains just spread and make them look ugly? That's because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to cleaning carpets...
Rug cleaning is one chore that needs to be done if you need your space to smell nice. A dirty rug can also make you sick. This is because dirt and dust will make your rug their home. When people come in contact with them, the germs and allergens in...
Some carpet stains can prove to be a thorn in the flesh. You've tried everything you know, but they don't seem to be going anywhere. Well, you're in luck now. We've listed these irritating carpet stains and the professional solutions you can use to get rid of them. No fancy...
Almost every carpet owner has a vacuum cleaner. To be fair, vacuuming your carpet is the first thing that we think of concerning carpet cleaning. People even suggest it for regular cleaning. Unfortunately, there is a downside to it. Vacuuming your carpet does not mean it is clean. So, professional...
The last thing anyone wants is a carpet stain. Sometimes you get them off by scrubbing just the stained part. At other times, you have to wash the entire carpet because the stain just keeps spreading. There are times the stain seems indelible. You just cannot get it off you're...
With simple measures, you can take care of your carpet, whether it is made of natural or synthetic fibers. Simply by hitting it, vacuuming it, and cleaning it, your natural fiber or synthetic fiber carpet will be mostly free of dirt and thus retain its long-term shine. Helpful Tips and Instructions...
Water damage is one of the most frustrating situations for homeowners. Whether it is from infiltration of the roof, wall cracks, capillary rise, plumbing faults, or a natural disaster, the consequences are often costly. Moisture can quickly cause considerable damage to different parts of the house and property. In the...