Last week we talked about removing lipstick, shoe polish, and gum from soft surfaces. Today, we continue in our journey in carpet cleaning by talking about even more annoying things that get stuck in carpets and furniture. Nail Polish: As soon as the spill occurs, grab a cloth or paper...
Accidents happen and that shouldn’t mean your furniture and floors are ruined. Today we’ll discuss some tips for removing stubborn things like gum, lipstick, and shoe polish from carpets, upholstery, and more. Gum: Sometimes kids put gum on furniture. Sometimes adults accidentally lose control of their mouth and gum falls...
We all have those friends who insist that all guests remove their shoes upon entering their home. This is often associated with various Asian cultures but it’s a good practice for anyone with carpet—and honestly anyone else that cares about their floors. Many people think that using the outdoor mat...
Bonnet: Often used by companies or clients concerned with water-conservation, this method resembles a floor buffer seen used in grocery stores and schools late at night. The carpets are misted with a mixture of club soda and cleaning solutions and the “bonnet” scrubs the carpet with a rotating motion...
At Accents in Cleaning, we offer Scotchgard application on carpets and upholstery. For 55 years, Scotchgard has been the leading product in stain protection with various types of sealants to keep your carpet, tile, grout, furniture, and clothing stain-resistant....
If you are a wise customer, you are interested in knowing what and who will be entering your home to clean your carpets. Reducing dirt, grime, and stains in your carpets will not only make them look and smell nicer, but regular cleaning...
Allergy sufferers will tell you how miserable life can be when you are sneezing constantly with sinus congestion. There are many ways to combat this suffering. Obvious ways include: medication, staying indoors during high pollen counts, and avoiding the allergens. Sometimes, even thorough cleaning of homes isn’t enough without the...
Carpet cleaning is a wonderful boost for the whole family. Everyone loves a clean carpet. Clean carpets just make you want to sit on the floor and play a game. Or, you might just want to have a party because of how...
Today we are going to tell you about why our carpet cleaning is better than some others you might have heard of. Let's start with the name of our carpet cleaning system - Rotovac - remember that name because it will soon be one of your favorite cleaning machines. It...
Accents in Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Benicia, Martinez, Vallejo & Surrounding Area All of us here at AIC Carpet Cleaning know what it can mean to a family when their carpets are fresh and clean. You cruise along everyday, and sometimes don't even think of what microbes and bacteria can be...